Are you divorced? Going through the steps of getting divorced or separated and have children?
Kids are getting ready to go back to school, how will you as a parent be prepared and what do you need to discuss in advance with your ex -spouse to make sure the routines for the kids are
Decisions about school for your child/children can be difficult if your in the midst of divorce or separation, or maybe you’ve already completed the process and the relationship between you and your ex -spouse usually ends up in strained communication.
If haven’t already completed your separation agreement it’s so valuable to build the details into the content of your parenting plan about some of the issues you’re anticipating have difficulty with in the future. Having a mediator help you during your process for the reality of your relationship today is helpful, but what about in 6 months time? What about when you’re facing parent-teacher interviews (make arrangements to go together or separate, but make sure you go).
A detailed parenting plan can save you so much stress and so much anxiety for your children. Sometimes it’s tough to think that far in advance, but as a mediator I play the role of the “devil’s advocate” so there is a well thought out plan in place specific to you and your children, should something go wrong down the road.
With back to school upon us, some of what you may need to consider are;
The sooner you address these kinds of issues, the better for everyone.
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