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    Contact Number

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    Email Address (required)

    Thanks for reaching out for some information/assistance. If you could please provide me with your answers to the following questions, then I'll be in a better position to know how I can help.

    How long have you been married?

    Living Situation:


    If Separated, how long?

    Do you have children at home? YesNo

    If so, how old?

    Are you both on the same page about your relationship being over?


    Are you both able to attend an initial 1- hour free consultation?


    How did you find out about Calgary Divorce Solutions?

    Start with a free 1 hour consultation to start the process of getting educated –

    Calgary Divorce Solutions
    306, 1933A 10th Avenue S.E
    Calgary, Alberta, T3C 0K3
    Phone: 403-460-2800
    Monday-Thursday 9:00am -5:00pm
    Fridays 9:00am – 3:00pm

    Calgary Divorce Mediator- Linda Roberts, CDFA, Commissioner for Oaths
    Specializing in Separation and Divorce
    17 yrs Industry Experience

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